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Friday, September 01, 2017

The Star Thrower and Nature's Way

A friend has discussed the famous The Starfish Thrower story on Facebook. This story has moved thousands of people.
I want to show him an interesting sort-of-related story which I read the Chinese translation a long time ago. As my friend does not read Chinese, I try to search for the original English version. It turns out that the Chinese translation is very famous, it is used as a Chinese textbook article in mainland China, but the original English is hard to find online. It turns out that many Chinese students have searched for it but failed. As a result, they even question the authenticity of the article.
It seems to be a New York Times article Humans, All Too Human by Michael Blumenthal on 23 July 1989. The only English website I found related to it is a response posted on New York Times one month later. Then there is a condensed version titled Nature's Way in 1990, which I can found only on Chinese websites.
If you are interested, you can find the original version and the Chinese version of Nature's Way, and the frustrations of Chinese students on this website.
What is Nature's Way about? It is a story that several men interwind with nature to save a baby turtle, which in turns led to the death of many baby turtles.

The Starfish Thrower literally tells about saving one starfish to make a difference, Nature's Way reminds us that we have to be careful such that our good deed may not be a wishy-washy thinking.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

一篇關於June Huh文章的讀後感

The quanta Magazine今期有篇A Path Less Taken to the Peak of the Math World是關於一位名叫June Huh 的數學家。這是一篇高水準的文章,足以讓我這個喜歡過分解讀的人,有一籃子的感想。


「June Huh在美國出生,兩歲時隨父母返回韓國生活。

在小學時一次數學成績不好,令June Huh自覺不是數學料子。他立志成為詩人,認為詩詞對現實的描繪,勝過無謂的邏輯遊戲。

他在中學時寫了很多詩,但從未發表過。事實上,他認清了現實,詩人不能糊口,所以把志向改成科普記者。結果,他進入Seoul National University時選擇了天文物理。

在大學最後一年,一位Fields Medal得奬人 Heisuke HironakaSeoul National University訪問,教授一年代數幾何的特別課。June Huh上了那一門課,並希望Heisuke Hironaka是他作為科普記者的第一個受訪者。

特別課很難,很多數學本科生聽不懂,退出了。June Huh也聽不懂,但既然立志做科普記者,只要稍稍明白概念就足夠。他沒退出,甚至主動接觸Heisuke Hironaka。

結果,Heisuke Hironaka看到June Huh的數學天賦,亦成為了他的數學碩士導師。

Heisuke Hironaka的鼓勵下,June Huh報讀美國的博士課程。但因為不是數學本科生,成績也不算出眾,即使有如此著名的碩士導師撑腰,亦只是the University of Illinois(Urbana-Champaign)接受他的申請。

在唸博士的第一年,June Huh一鳴驚人,他用代數幾何的方法,解決了一個著名組合數學猜想Rota Conjecture的一個特例!

接下來,就是一個數學天才的故事,他與另外兩位天才Eric Katz及Karim Adiprasito合力解決了Rota Conjecture,現在被視為有力問鼎下屆或再下一屆的Fields Medal。順帶一提,Fields Medal只頒發給四十歲以下的數學家。」





在撮要中,只有一句"他用代數幾何的方法,解決了一個著名組合數學猜想Rota Conjecture的一個特例",但其實在文章中,這段文章佔有三分之一。因為,這反映了他的天才與及影响。


