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Thursday, September 02, 2010

個仔唔掂, 阿媽幫佢搵老婆

如果唔俾啲阿媽幫手, 地位最高的男性起碼霸住四成女性; 啲阿媽一出手, 班大佬最多霸住四分一; 所以話啲衰仔真係要靠阿媽搵老婆。


呢個係Martin Surbeck(Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)發現嘅!

見: Discovery Magazine: Bonobo males get sex with help from their mums
文獻:Martin Surbeck, Roger Mundry and Gottfried Hohmann, Mothers matter! Maternal support, dominance status and mating success in male bonobos (Pan paniscus), Proc Roy Soc B

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